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Department of Computer Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Department of Civil Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Department of Electronics Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Kabaddi Winner IDESSA Zone-I  Click Here

C. S. Institute of Technology organized to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti

Admission Facilitation Center(4254) Has Been Started For Polytechnic At CSIT Premises

C. S. I. T. is organizing " Career Guidance Program for 10th & 12th dated on 31st December,2018 Click Here

Industrial Visit of CE Second Year and Third Year will be held on 9th October at “Water Treatment Plant” Navegaon/Bandh

Industrial Visit of CO/EX Final Year will be held on 2nd February at “Power Station,” Chichgadh & “BSNL Office” Deori



Central Library :

Welcome to C. S. Institute of Technology Central Library

‘Caring for our Student is our highest priority’

C. S. Institute of Technology established in Year 2009, encourages every student to use the library that has been carefully built up since the inception of the college. All libraries strive for high quality of library service which emphasizes the actual delivery of information as well as need of users. It is the aim of C. S. Institute of Technology Central Library to serve the varied need of its many users efficiently. The central library is automated with Synchronic Software.

Built up area: 3229.173sft
Reading Room: Can seat 55


POLYTECHNIC LIBRARY is consist of the following section

1. Circulation section: 2. Reference Section: 3. Periodical Section
4. Stack Area: 5. Multi Media Resource Center: 6. Reading Stall:



The Central Library membership is restricted to Students, Teaching staff and supporting Staff of the college. All the Staff and students can borrow books from library.

Sr.No. Member Library Issue No. Loan Period
1 Teaching Staff 08 One Semester
2 Students 02 07 Days
3 Supporting Staff 04 2 Month

Library Collection:
Total Number of Books: 7481 Total Number of Titles: 676

Journals / Periodicals
International: 21 National: 11

Media Resources:

Library Service:
The following services are available at the central library

1.Circulation :
The circulation section remains open between 9.00 am to 4.00pm. On working days (Except on holidays, unless decided by the institute)

2.Reference :
The reference section in the library has various books that are source of information about different subjects .They include Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Manual, and other information books.

3.Internet Search

4.Question Bank Service (M.S.B.T.E.)

SS New Arrival Display:
All the new books are displayed in the reference section .The list of these books displayed on notice board

Staff Details:

Name Qualification Designation E-Mail
Mr. B. P. Lanje M. Lib, M. A. Librarian
Mr. D. P. Nimbhorkar C. Lib Library Clerk

Library Automation:

Polytechnic Library is fully automated. We are using SYNCRONIC ( Softlib ) software package. All system are connected through LAN to access database.

Nodes for usage of system in library
Issue : 01
Return : 01
Internet : 03


1.Orientation for Student

Rules and Regulation:

  1. No transaction will be made without identity card. I-card shall be non transferable.
  2. Students entering the library should sign in the register.
  3. Silence should be maintained in the library.
  4. Maximum two books available in the library will be issued to the students for a period of 07 days. It may be re- issued after 07 days at request of the user.
  5. Books which have been issued are liable to be recalled at any time by the librarian. If there is need for it. Book shall be returned within one day from the date of call.
  6. CDs will be issued separately.
  7. If the book is not returned before stipulated time limit a due of Rs. 2/- per day will be imposed.
  8. Any existing damage should be brought to the notice of the staff & signature be obtained otherwise user will be held responsible.
  9. If book is lost, either it shall be replaced by new copy or by paying triple the cost of book.
  10. If the requested book is not available please register your claim. It will be issued as soon as it is available based on the serial claimant.
  11. If claimants fail to get the book issued within 2 days, it will be issued to the next claimant.
  12. Clearance certificate will not be issued unless all the books /CDs/I-Card is returned and dues are paid.
  13. The amount of dues shall be recovered before summer examination.